"Haskey" means "light", a light for people with learning disability in Ghana.
Haskey- Project Ghana aims to contribute to a Ghanaian society where people with special challenges are included as anyone else and are seen as equal and respected members of their communities. We want to reduce stigmatisation and discrimination, especially against persons with learning disability as well as working against mythical conceptions.
It is our aim to create awareness in the public as well as to conscientise the concerned families about occurrence and medical facts of learning disability. We aim to offer a counselling assistance to them on different possibilities of support for persons with disabilities.
Haskey-Project wants to raise a great awareness throughout the society to combat prejudice and to make people aware of the capabilities and possible contributions of persons with disabilities.
Disability is not inability!
An educational centre is planned in Kumasi, the second largest city in Ghana with over 2 million people, where our target group may receive the needed care and support as well as educational facilities, which could lead to independent life and promote their active participations in the community.
Our temporal integrative day-care centre was inaugurated already in November 2013 and is taking care of a growing group of children and young adults with and without learning disability.
In autumn 2021 we started building the new centre where we want to offer different forms of support for children and young adults with mental and physical disabilities, and their families: not only day care, but also counselling, school lessons and crafts workshops. On the plot around the new building there will be grown vegetables and fruits - another working possibility for our guests.
For more details look under "news".
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Haskey-Projekt Ghana e.V.
Overlackerstraße 20
44892 Bochum
Mobil: +4915771403833
Mobil: +4915779393190
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
Bochum eG
IBAN: DE82 4306 0967
4031 7766 00
Steuernummer: 306/57951083